Vastu And The Panchamahabhutas

Vastu explains the arrangement of the five elements of nature: Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Space. These are known as the Panchamahabhutas. The human body is also made up of these 5 elements, which are in turn related to our five senses of smell, taste, hearing, sight and touch. These five elements should not only…

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Importance Of Directions In Vastu

The principle of Vastu depends on the arrangement and re- arrangements of the five elements: earth, water, fire, air and sky to achieve the best possible results. Much importance is given to directions. Each direction has its presiding deity which in turn has its own particular characteristic. Among the directions East and North hold a…

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Vastu, Energy And Matter

Vastu is both a welfare science and a creative art of turning non-manifest energy into manifest material forms. At the core of Vastu is the science of energy and matter. Quantum physics tells us that anything having a mass has an equivalent amount of energy and vice versa. Einstein stated simply that E=mc2. This simply…

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Signs of Success in Your Hands

When looking for signs of success in your hands, the first thing to analyse is the shape of the hand. Ideally, it is a ‘practical’ hand, the working hand, which has a square or squarish palm. Somewhat rectangle is common but not too narrow. A long narrow palm belongs to the daydreamer and whilst they…

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Predict Future Using Palmisty?

It may be possible to predict the future using the lines on your palms. Predict future: Many of us, somewhat sceptical, can find it difficult to be convinced without systematic evidence and wonder why we continue to believe in the predictive side of palmistry. My answer to that is, the studies of this subject, explored…

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Career Choices from Hand Analysis

If you have not yet settled happily into your career, you may be wondering what kind of career choices would actually suit you? The basic features of the hand and fingers can give clues about the temperament and natural talents. People inherit many physical features and character traits from their parents, and we are all…

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