The effect of the imbalance of the five elements on the human body is easily felt but the effect of any imbalance in a building is experienced in the form of certain disturbances for the occupants which may be physical, mental, financial etc.
Imbalance of Earth: This can take place in various ways.
A depression in the south west
South-west corner cut off
Owner of the house living in some other part of the house etc.
Earth is represented by the south –west corner of a building. It should be the heaviest and highest part of a house, and should be occupied only by the owner of the house or the boss in an office.
Imbalance of Water:
North-east being raised
Having a fire source in north-east
North-east being cut off
Having a toilet in the north- east
Water is represented by the North-East corner of a building. It should be the lowest, cleanest and most uncluttered part of the building. It is most ideal for a prayer area. An imbalance in this area leads to financial and mental problems.
Imbalance of Fire:
Depression in the south east
Water resources in south east
Fire is represented by the South –East of a building. This zone is best for a kitchen in a house or electrical boards, air-conditioning plants etc.
Fire is the element for vision and fame. Any imbalance leads to conflicts and litigation.
Imbalance of Air:
Depression in north-west
Water in the north-west
Air is represented by the North-west. It is the element for feelings. Imbalance in the North-West blocks goodwill of people towards the occupants of the building or towards goods and services in an office or commercial establishment. Imbalance in the North- West also increases expenditure.
Imbalance of Space:
Water source in center of the building
Heavy storage in center of building
Space is represented by the Center of a building. This element is for internal strength. Imbalance in the center causes inner strength to be lost and also a drain in finances.