Vastu And The Panchamahabhutas

Vastu explains the arrangement of the five elements of nature: Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Space.

These are known as the Panchamahabhutas.

The human body is also made up of these 5 elements, which are in turn related to our five senses of smell, taste, hearing, sight and touch.

These five elements should not only be present in any building, but should also be in harmony with each other. Any imbalance in these elements leads to unhappy and undesirable consequences.

Vastu guides us to live in harmony with these five elements of nature.

Earth: Geography teaches us that the earth is the third planet from the Sun and the densest planet in the solar system.
The earth’s gravity interacts with other objects in space especially the Sun and the Moon, which is the earth’s only natural satellite. During one orbit around the sun the earth rotates on its axis over 365 times, thus one earth year is 365.26 days long.

The axis is tilted producing seasonal variations on the planet’s surface. The northernmost point of the earth is called the North Pole, lying diametrically opposite the South Pole.

The earth has a solid iron inner core and a liquid outer core that generates the earth’s magnetic field.

The human body possesses a magnetic quality due to the billions of nerve impulses in the body which constantly create human magnetic fields.

The Law of Magnetism states that like charges repel and unlike charges attract. Vastu recommends that one should sleep with the head towards the South because the human head is like the North Pole of the human body. This will enable the unlike charges to attract and also draw maximum positive energy from the cosmos to keep fit and healthy.

Vastu also deals in detail about inspection of soil, selection of site, and shape and size of plot.

Earth is the only element linked to all the 5 human senses and the reason why it exerts maximum influence on humans. The South-West zone of a building represents the earth element.

Water: It’s the next most important element. It is linked to the senses of taste, touch, sight and hearing. It is quantitatively the largest of the 5 elements since 75% of the earth’s surface is water and about 60% of the human body is water. This is the only element that exists in 3 states ie: solid, liquid and gas.
The North-East zone of a building represents the water element.

Vastu provides detailed information about the placement of water resources like underground and overhead water tank, well and borewell and also the position for drainage of water, sewage etc.

Fire: This is represented by the Sun, the most vital source of energy and light.
The Sun’s spectrum can be split into 7+2 colours:


The early morning sun has the beneficial ULTRA-VIOLET rays which cover the East and North-East. As the day progresses the sun’s rays split into VIBGYOR and INFRA-RED in the South East. The late afternoon and evening sun have infrared rays which should be avoided. This is why the South and South-West should be covered and the North East should be left open and clear, and to have water resources in the North-East.

Fire is linked to sound, touch and sight. The South-East zone of a building is represented by fire.

Air: The atmosphere of the earth is the layer of gases commonly known as air. It is retained by the earth’s gravity and protects life on earth by absorbing UV solar radiation, warming the surface through heat retention and reducing temperature extremes between day and night.
All life on earth and even fire depends on this element. It is linked to sound and touch.The North-West zone of a building is represented by air.

Vastu recommends proper placement of doors, windows, balconies for balancing the air element of a building.

Space: The concept of space is considered to be of fundamental importance to an understanding of the physical universe. It has been extensively debated upon by both scientists and philosophers. Simply defined, it is a continuous area which is free, available or unoccupied.
Vastu gives space the status of a natural fundamental element. It is linked to the sense of sound and is represented by the center of a building.

It is important to keep the center open and uncluttered for maximum positivity.

Relation Of Elements And Energy

Element Energy

Fire Solar

Air Wind

Water Rain

Space Sound

Earth Gravitational & Magnetic force

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